告别 没电焦虑
Goodbye powerless anxiety
告别 出门繁琐
Goodbye shopping cumbersome
告别 路途迷失
Goodbye get lost
告别 相约失联
Goodbye lose contact
告别 追剧中断
Goodbye dramas interrupted
告别 错过赛事
Goodbye missed events
告别 旅途无聊
Goodbye boring journey
告别 谈判壁垒
Goodbye negotiation barriers
告别 现金交易
Goodbye cash transactions
告别 数据泄露
Goodbye data breaches
告别 复杂操作
Goodbye complex operation
告别 线型单一
Goodbye line-type single
告别 外形平庸
Goodbye mediocrity
告别 世俗偏见
Goodbye secular prejudice
告别 迂腐成见
Goodbye corrupt stereotypes
告别 愚昧无知
Goodbye ignorance
告别 鼠目寸光
Goodbye shortsightedness
告别 胆小怕事
Goodbye timidity
告别 经济重担
Goodbye economic burden
告别 生活重压
Goodbye pressure of life
告别 财务困境
Goodbye financial distress
告别 年龄危机
Goodbye age crisis
告别 疫情影响
Goodbye epidemic impact
告别 不谙世事
Goodbye world unfamiliarity
告别 思想桎梏
Goodbye thought shackles
告别 "精英"游戏
Goodbye elite games
告别 职场歧视
employment discrimination
告别 创业小白
Goodbye startup novice
告别 暗箱操作
Goodbye monkey business
告别 投资门槛
Goodbye investment threshold
Welcome to a new era of smart
digital life